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“Jacobs and Jacobs is wonderful! I would recommend them to anyone. They are extremely helpful and gracious.
The longevity of their business speaks for itself, as they have been around since 1893.
They are also very community based and I appreciate that.”  

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Auto Accidents

The definition of the word accident is: An unexpected and undesirable event, especially one resulting in damage or harm.


Bicycle Accident Injury

If you or someone has been hit by a vehicle while riding your bike in public access area and had bodily injuries. We can help..

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Bus Accident Injuries

If you or a child has been hurt in a bus crash or suffered a bus-related injury or involving school buses, Greyhound-type buses or public transit buses accident you can be compisated for your injuries..

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Wrongful Death

Our firm has the expertise to handle your case. If you believe a loved one died through the negligent acts of another, please call us immediately.

Dog Barking

Dog Bite Injuries

Have you ever been bitten by a dog and had to go to the hospital to have the injuries treated? You may be entitled to receive financial compensation..

Drunk Driving

Drunk Driving

Where you hit by a drunk driver? We hold drunk drivers accountable for their actions.


Head & Brain Injuries

If you or a loved one has suffered any type of head injury due to an accident, seek medical advice immediately and call our office for a FREE Consultation.


Insurance Claims

If you are involved in any type of accident, it is in your best interests to contact an attorney immediately. We offer A FREE initial consultation and can represent your interests usually with no cost to you.


Workplace Injuries

If you or a family member has suffered a workplace injury, we can help you. We have the experience, the skill and expertise necessary to represent you.


Motorcycle Accidents

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident and would like to discuss your rights, please call us immediately or request a free case review

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Pedestrian Injuries

If you or a family member has suffered from a pedestrian motor vehicle injury, our firm has the experience and expertise to represent your interests and can help recover any damages that resulted from the incident.

Slip and Fall

Slip & Fall Injuries

If you have been injured on someone else's property, you may have a claim for damages arising out of the negligence of the owner or company. It may be possible for you to recover your medical expenses, as well an award for your pain, suffering and permanent injury.


Spinal Injuries

If you have suffered a spinal cord injury and face long term care and rehabilitation, you owe it to yourself and your family to call us immediately or request a free case review.

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Trucking Accidents

When you are involved in an accident, The investigator or adjuster from the other sides insurance company may be very pleasant, appear to be concerned. But always remember his or her job is to protect the insurance company, to find a reason NOT to pay you, or if they must, to make sure you receive as little as the insurance company can possibly get away with, and ideally, to try to "close the books" on the incident. Our experienced attorneys can help you avoid making this costly mistake.


Medical Malpractice

Our team of experienced attorneys has handled many malpractice suits. An inexperienced lawyer is more likely to make a technical mistake which may result in your case being lost or dismissed

Dental Malpractice

Dental Malpractice

Have you had a procedure done that was not needed? Has a dentist ever given you the wrong medication? Has your dentisit removed the wrong tooth? We can help

Don't Hesitate to contact us any time

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